CLM Family Connect was created in 2019 by a Street Sister. It’s a private messenger group consisting of the Shelton Street Family and the CLM Team Members who choose to participate in it.
Our Street Sister was finding great value in the love and encouragement she was receiving while living on the streets. She found herself hoping this support could become a daily offering to others.
CLM Family Connect remains a method for the sharing of daily encouragement through Christ centered devotionals. It also provides outreach updates across the streets in Shelton, WA. Communications spread through the homeless individuals who are participating and have cell phones to engage with others in similar situations.
CLM does not provide electronic devices. However, we also refrain from the judgement of those who have found themselves without shelter, yet, still own cell phones or who have worked towards owing a cell phone. Even though, CLM does not provide cell phones, we view them as a current method of connection to one’s family members, friends, and the community, regardless of one’s housing situation.
CLM Family Connect is a SAFE place absent of any judgement for anyone who chooses to participate. It’s a place where we can immediately connect with others to receive God’s truth, love, acceptance, and support. It’s a venue for theological questions and prayer requests to be immediately answered, absent of any questioning or judgement.
CLM Family Connect is not only a blessing to the Street Family in Shelton, WA, but also to the CLM Team. Which is why it was inspired by God to be titled, CLM FAMILY CONNECT. This Title represents that there is currently no separation between those who already know Christ and those who have yet to come to know Him.
CLM Family Connect has become what was initially claimed by CLM in 2017 as one of our bridge’s of commitment. This commitment was to bring the light of Christ into our community by, “Doing life together,” with all others.
Below are some of the CLM Family Connect Devotionals. We hope they will inspire those visiting this website. May you say yes to Jesus' love for you and commit your whole heart towards following Him.